My Father & Mother
My father William R. Bond Sr. January 10, 1918 – May 29, 1999.
He lived a full life. In 1944 he met and married my beautiful mother Ruby Theresa Harrison, and through this union, she gave birth to three handsome boys, Kenneth Roger Bond, William Rhoden Bond Jr. and Richard Gary Bond. My father was a veteran who served in the US Navy during WWII. During his service, his IQ was measured and found to be 150. However, he was hired as a second class Electrician.
After he was honorably discharged, he worked as a School principal at Bell Vocational Institute in the Washington DC area. He was a man of principle who used encouraging words to everyone he met. My father’s words of motivation always caused me to feel as though I could accomplish anything, and once in his company, he made you feel as if you were the only person in the world that he loved. He was the father who sacrificed a lot for his family and gave us a sense of what it meant to be responsible young men. He had a unique ability to break things down to your level so that you can fully understand it. He was truly a great father, confidant and later on a good friend. I truly miss him.
My Mother Ruby T. Bond July 23, 1916 – January 22, 2012. She was a protector of her three boys and there was nothing she would not do for us. Even though she was quiet, yet she was very opinionated. She had ambitions and put them on hold to raise us. When I was of age and able to function on my own, my mother returned to College to receive her education degree. She graduated and worked as a substitute teacher in the Washington DC area. She had great work ethics like my father, and she had the entire city calling every weekday to ask her to substitute.
My mother and father took advantage of every opportunity to better themselves.
As my mother aged my wife and I took care of her. During this time I realized what a fighter she was, never giving up. Despite her age, she moved forward gracefully. Her words of wisdom to her children and grandchildren is that we should never give up on our dreams.
Rest in Peace Mom and Dad
Love: Richard Gary Bond
–Ruby Bond. The Matriarch and Family Historian.
I came to truly know my mother- in- law in 2002 when her youngest son Richard took me to visit her. During my visit, she began to show me picture albums, one after the next while telling story after story about family members who had passed on, and who was still alive. I was amazed at how she remembered names and dates.
After about an hour I thought we would be done watching pictures, but I discovered that there were albums that would probably take me years to look at. I had never seen that many pictures in one household. As the years went by I quickly realized the value of her labor of love, in collecting and storing pictures of friends, family, co-workers, etc.
This website was created in honor of Ruby and William Bond, to showcase the photography archive that Ruby so diligently safeguarded over the years.
Love always: Vilma Angela Simon Bond.

Richard Bond

Vilma Bond